🎗🎖Anna University publishes branch-wise pass % BE results 🏅🏫

by - July 13, 2017

This provides specific information to students for deciding their college of interest before counselling

CHENNAI: Anna University has published branch-wise pass percentage results for its affiliated colleges for the BE examinations held for the semester between November 2008 and February 2009.

Last year, in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), the Saranathan College of Engineering topped with a 96.83 pass percentage. In the Mechanical Engineering branch, the SSN College of Engineering topped the list, while Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College had the highest pass percentage in the Computer Science branch.

“We wanted to give all information possible, so that you can do your own analysis,” said P. Mannar Jawahar, Vice-Chancellor of Anna University-Chennai, explaining why branch-wise data was included. This gives specific information to students and parents trying to decide which college they are interested in before counselling for admissions. Dr.Jawahar had earlier said that while students need to take other factors into account to make a holistic decision, these results would also help.

Looking at the overall statistics, the Panimalar Institute of Technology had the highest pass percentage for first year students among the 132 colleges affiliated to Anna University-Chennai, who are following the new credit system under the 2008 regulations.

However, Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College topped the list for second, third and fourth year results among the 243 colleges across the State affiliated to the old united Anna University, who are following the old mark system.

These numbers represent the percentage of total answer scripts passed during the examination. Last semester, the university also published the percentage of students who had passed all papers during the examination. The script-based figures give a more positive image of the colleges – only 13 colleges out of 243 failed to achieve at least a 50 per cent pass percentage. When presented in terms of candidates who passed all papers last semester, half the colleges failed to achieve that mark.

Dr. Jawahar promised that the candidate-based figures would also be published in a few days.

The university had revived the practice of posting its semester examination results in September 2008, after a gap of four years. Earlier attempts to post results had been shot down by some self-financing colleges who felt that their reputations would be hurt. The university decided to go ahead after several colleges put out advertisements with false claims to lure students.

The full results are available at >www.annauniv.edu.

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