
Friendship is always best in all time

by - February 24, 2018

Hi, friends, this is Pravin from Articles hub I'm gonna share my personal experience about Relationship or which is best. 
One who understands the friendship will never fail in Life. Now everyone has a doubt either school friendship is best or college friendship is best💖or the one at work or the one after marriage, no matter it may be friendship is always the best😍.
Maybe Some girls would love a boy for him being a handsome one but your friend only for your heart.
Dedicated to all my friends:
so many subjects in 1 little year,                          
so many hands in 1 tiffin box,                              
so many calls on 1 birthday nights,                      
so many tears for 1 single fight,                          
so many memories in 1 single heart, that’s ……..A whole lifetime in just 3 years.

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
– C.S. Lewis

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